Quality Management
ISO 9001:2008 QMS
ISO 9004:2009
Process Analysis
Management Tools

ISO 9001:2000 QMS Self-implementation Packages

Improve Business Processes - Right First Time!

NOTE: The page contents are being modified and updated to reflect the current ISO 9001:2008 series. Ill-health has caused delay to this project

The ISO quality management system contributes greatly to business process imporvement and skills development worldwide. The ISO 9001:2008 quality management system is an effective management and employee resource through standard operating procedures, SOP, for a business. The system can be self-implemented at a fraction of the cost for outsiders to do it for you.

Get the ISO 9001:2008 quality management system self-implementation package for continuous improvement of business processes, procedures, training and skills development including Baldrige award .....at a fraction of the price found anywhere else!

Start the business continuous improvement process now with the ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System self-implementation packages, enormous savings in cash and time. Tools of excellence for your QA team! Significantly reduce process and procedure analysis time and expenditure.

The"PREMIUM" Implementation Package has all the resources, guides, templates, training aids and and ready-to-go quality manuals....., with over 100 individual products items. FULL support from our teams in the USA and Australasia!!

We have other product options: ISO MAP, ISO TAP, FREE Implementation Guide.

Pofessional Technical Writers immediately relate to the documentation styles and formats.

Free Samples

Want to try the FREE sample package first?. to download the free ISO package samples. The sample is a WinZip executable file that opens when the file icon is clicked after download.

Customer Comment

Comment from

The ISO 9001:2008 Self-implementation Products

Complete ISO 9001:2008 QMS "Premium Package"

The Premium Package contains all the files for internal self-development of the ISO Quality Management System within your business.

Complete Standard Operating Procedures for Business

A set of 20 templates for ISO ISO 9001:2008 based Standard Operating Procedures and associated documents flow charts, and process assessment work sheets that include:
  • Control of documents
  • Control of Records
  • Management Review
  • Competence, Training andAwareness
  • Facilities, Equipment, and Maintenance
  • Product Quality Planning
  • Product Requirements
  • Design and Development
  • Supplier Evaluation
  • Purchasing
  • Job Planning
  • Product Identification and Traceability
  • Preservation of Product
  • Control of Monitoring and Measuring Devices
  • Statistical Techniques
  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Internal Audit
  • Monitoring and Measurement of Product
  • Control of Non-conforming Product
  • Improvement

Basic Standard Operating Procedures for Business

A set of 15 templates for basic ISO 9001:2008 based Standard Operating Procedures that include:
  • Management Review
  • Competence, Training and Awareness
  • Facilities, Equipment, and Maintenance
  • Product Quality Planning
  • Product Requirements
  • Design and Development
  • Supplier Evaluation
  • Purchasing
  • Job Planning
  • Product Identification and Traceability
  • Preservation of Product
  • Control of Monitoring and Measuring Devices
  • Statistical Techniques
  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Monitoring and Measurement of Product

Quality Assurance Process Management Pack

A complete set of documents for management of your ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System:
  • Includes 23 Process Assessment Worksheets.
  • Deployment Flow Chart master for processes and interactions, in Visio and Power Point application formats. So that you should not have to purchase additional software.

ISO Quality Management System Audit Package

A set of procedure documents that enables to self-audit your processes, measure where you are at, what needs correction, identify best performances.

Quality Manual

The best selling product, by far! The Quality Manual template addresses all requirements contained in the ISO 9001:2008 standards. This document is set up with Microsoft Word and can be easily customized to suit your unique policies and procedures.

Click HERE for more detailed information about the ISO 9001:2008 Quality Manual package.
  • Use in conjunction with our other templates
  • Reader-friendly language
  • FREE with any other product purchased
  • Style and format makes it easy to customize
  • SAVE valuable time

Deployment Flow Charts

This complete set of 23 Deployment Flow Charts [DFC] map out the sequence and interaction of key processes for your ISO 9001:2008 QMS that must address:

flow chart

Pick the program application format that suits you to purchase by credit card.

ISO Training and Assessment Package

This Training and Assessment Package [TAP] for the ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System includes...... Click HERE for more information about Training and Assistance package.

ISO QMS Manual and Procedures Package Only

ISO 9001:2008 based Quality Manual template, 20 standard operating procedures [SOP's], and forms for key QMS processes and.....one of the TRULY UNIQUE PRODUCTS, a complete 23-set of Deployment Flow Charts..... Click HERE for more information about the Manual and Procedures package.

Baldrige Self-assessment Package

Based on the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award [MBNQA] criteria, this package is intended to help you establish and maintain a viable continual improvement program, as required by ISO 9001:2008.

The assessment tool provides 20 tables for each of the six approach/deployment elements, and some sub-elements. These tables allow you to quickly determine your performance on that item, and just as quickly identify opportunities for improvement. You will also be sent an Excel spreadsheet to input the results of your assessment and automatically calculate your total point score.

What results is a self-assessment and quality improvement objectives. Present these results during your management review meeting and adopt some of the objectives to demonstrate and achieve continual improvement.

The MBNQA model is comprised of 7 elements; six of these elements are classified as approach/deployment:
  • Leadership
  • Strategic Planning
  • Customer and Market Focus
  • Information and Analysis
  • Human Resource Focus
  • Process Management

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Copyright ©. All rights reserved. 2010. Premier Strategics Ltd, Hamilton, New Zealand. Updated 12 December 2010.