deceased 161 battery personnel deceased vietnam veterans
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The following are defintions of the abbreviations on this page:
  • ALSG - Australian Logistical Support Group
  • ATF - Australian Task Force
NOTE: Entries on this page were suspended for 2015 due to time not being available. Backdated entries are now being made progressively as from 26 June 2016. However, it will be some weeks before completion, including the year 2015 page.

2016 Year-to-date Listings
- 35 -

Total 2015 - 24 [incomplete]
Total 2014 - 49
Total 2013 - 47
Total 2012 - 32
Total 2011 - 47
Total 2010 - 31
Total 2009 - 50
Total 2008 - 34
Total 2007 - 38
Total 2006 - 33
Total 2005 - 32
Total 2004 - 28

Roll of Honour 2016
Curently being compiled from records.
01.] 79566 A. M. PETERS RNZSigs
January 2016.
Attached 161 Battery, 1 ATF, South Vietnam.
No. 259 161 Bty Roll.
02.] 554251 P. B. RURU RNZIR
5 January 2016.
V2 Infantry Rifle Company, 1 ATF, South Vietnam.
No. 50 V2 Roll.
03.] 551418 M. R. SINGE RNZAMC
16 Jan 2016.
NZ Headquarters V Force, South Vietnam.
No. 53 NZ HQ V Force Roll.
04.] N82973 B. R. FRANCIS RNZAF
20 January 2016, in his 66th year.
RNZAF, South Vietnam.
No. 28 RNZAF Roll.
March 2016.
161 Bty & V5 Infantry Rifle Company, 1 ATF, South Vietnam.
No. 249 161 Bty Roll.
06.] 545655 A. P. TIPOKI RNZIR
February 2016.
V5 Infantry Rifle Company, 1 ATF, South Vietnam.
No. 30 V5 Roll.
07.] 43827 R. S. DUNLEA RNZIR
5February 2016.
W3/V5 Infantry Rifle Company's, 1 ATF, South Vietnam.
No. 47 W3 Roll.
08.] 41744 PAKI R.M.T.E.R. RNZIR
February 2016.
V1 Infantry Rifle Company, 1 ATF, South Vietnam.
No. 70 V1 Roll.
09.] 602260 I. McLEOD RNZIR
12 February 2016, in his 70th year.
W1 Infantry Rifle Company, 1 ATF, South Vietnam.
No. 59 W1 Roll.
10.] 538024 T. D. MACFARLANE RNZAC
18 February 2016.
NZ Army Training Team, South Vietnam.
No. 23 NZATTV Roll.
11.] 42898 A. J. H. KURURANGI RNZIR
19 February 2016, in his 67th year.
W1 Infantry Rifle Company, 1 ATF, South Vietnam.
No. 60 W1 Roll.
12.] 41886 D. M. CROPP RNZIR 10 March 2016.
W1 Infantry Rifle Company, 1 ATF, South Vietnam.
No. 58 W1 Roll.
13.] U645605 D. J. MORRIS RNZIR
10 March 2016, in his 81st year.
HQ V Force, Saigon, South Vietnam.
No. 52 HQ V Force Roll
14.] 33838 D. MORRISON RNZIR
10 March 2016.
Attached Australian Army Training Team, South Vietnam.
No. 22 NZATTV Roll.
15.] 480899 W. W. T. HENRY RNZA
15 March 2016.
161 Battery, 1 ATF, South Vietnam.
No. 258 161 Bty Roll.
16.] 42438 T. K. BRIGHAM RNZA
17th March 2016.
161 Battery, 1 ATF, South Vietnam.
No. 256 161 Bty Roll.
17.] 42438 A. B. Y. T. TARAWA RNZA
17 March 2016, in his 68th year.
161 Battery, 1 ATF, South Vietnam.
No. 257 161 Bty Roll.
18.] Q40977 D. J. BROCKIE RNZIR
18 March 2016, in his 80th year.
W1 Infantry Rifle Company, 1 ATF, South Vietnam.
No. 56 W1 Roll.
18 March 2016,
161 Battery, 1 ATF, South Vietnam.
No. 258 161 Bty Roll.
20.] 42719 H. H. H. RAU RNZIR
26 March 2016, in his 69th year.
W2 Infantry Rifle Company, 1 ATF, South Vietnam.
No. 47 W2 Roll.
21.] X363398 B. W. CULHANINE RNZA
1 April 2016.
161 Battery, 1 ATF, South Vietnam.
No. 254 161 Bty Roll.
5 April 2016, in his 79th year.
Visitor, attached USAF, South Vietnam.

23.] L43411 J. WASSON RNZA
17 April 2016,
161 Bty, 1 ATF; & NZTTVA, South Vietnam.
No. 254 161 By Roll.
24.] 969919 R. S. E. WILSON RNZIR
19 April 2016, in his 82nd year.
NZ Component, 1 ATF, South Vietnam.
No. 45 ATF Roll.
25.] 42475 E. PHILLIPS RNZA
29 April 2016,
161 Battery, 1 ATF, South Vietnam.
No. 253 161 Bty Roll.
26.] 42990 L. R. JONES RNZIR
May 2016.
W1 Infantry Rifle Company, 1 ATF, South Vietnam.
No. 57 W1 Roll.
27.] 553229 W. WARU RNZIR
8th MAY 2016, in his 78th year.
W2 Infantry Rifle Company, 1 ATF, South Vietnam.
No. 47 W2 Roll.
28.] 623736 L. K. WHITING RNZIR
5 May 2016.
NZ Component, 1 ATF, South Vietnam.
No. 46 1 ATF Roll.
29.] 40532 D. P. RANSFIELD DCM [aka A. L. Ropata] RNZIR
18 May 2016.
V3 Infantry Rifle Company, 1 ATF, South Vietnam.
No. 43 V3 Roll.
30.] 304968 R. MUNN RNZIR
21 June 2016.
V5 Infantry Rifle Company, 1 ATF, South Vietnam.
No. 28 V5 Roll.
31.] 478453 K. J. ROSSBOTHAM RNZA
12 June 2016. in his 70th year.
161 Battery, 1 ATF, South Vietnam.
No. 252 161 Bty Roll.
32.] 209722 C. J. McISAAC RNZA
3 July 2016.
161 Battery, 1 ATF, South Vietnam.
No. 250 161 Bty Roll

33.] 44158 G. R. THRUSH RNZA
1 July 2016, in his 67th year.
161 Battery, 1 ATF, South Vietnam.
No. 251 161 Bty Roll.
34.] 37673 L. R. ROBINSON RNZAC
7 July 2016.
1st NZ Army Training Team, South Vietnam.
No. 24 NZATTV Roll.
35.] 43703 J. E. SEYMOUR RNZIR
13 July 2016.
V6 Infantry Rifle Company, 1 ATF, South Vietnam.
No. 31 V6 Roll.

The soldier stood and faced God,
Which must always come to pass.
He hoped his shoes were shining,
Just as brightly as his brass.

'Step forward now, you soldier,
How shall I deal with you ?
Have you always turned the other cheek ?
To My Church have you been true?'

The soldier squared his shoulders and said,
'No, Lord, I guess I ain't.
Because those of us who carry guns,
Can't always be a saint.

I've had to work most Sundays,
And at times my talk was tough.
And sometimes I've been violent,
Because the world is awfully rough.

But, I never took a penny,
That wasn't mine to keep...
Though I worked a lot of overtime,
When the bills got just too steep.

And I never passed a cry for help,
Though at times I shook with fear.
And sometimes, God, forgive me,
I've wept unmanly tears.

I know I don't deserve a place,
Among the people here.
They never wanted me around,
Except to calm their fears.

If you've a place for me here, Lord,
It needn't be so grand.
I never expected or had too much,
But if you don't, I'll understand.

There was a silence all around the throne,
Where the saints had often trod.
As the soldier waited quietly,
For the judgment of his God.

'Step forward now, you soldier,
You've borne your burdens well..
Walk peacefully on Heaven's streets,
You've done your time in Hell.'

Perhaps just a simple headline in the paper should say:


Author: Anonymous.
Contact Researcher Victor Johnson. Hamilton, New Zealand
Contact Webmaster, Copyright, all rights reserved. Created 13 Nov 2002, updated 7 July 2016.