e-Learning Projects Development

 Premier Strategics
Hamilton, New Zealand


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Mode of e-Learning: Instructor-led, one-to-one, competency-based, computer-based, intranet, internet?

It is a fact, the delivery mode does not impact learning.

It's the Instructional Design, and what students bring to the learning situation that impacts the learning!

At Premier Strategics, we structure your e-learning projects and map core activities to ensure your project is successful in:

  • Being on time
  • Within budget
  • Achieving prescribed performance objectives

With more than thirty years of qualifications and experience, Premier OTD Consultants develop e-learning projects that include:

  • Project leadership
  • Appropriate authoring and graphic programs
  • Instructional design
  • Technical writing and editing
  • Graphic design
  • Program simulation and presentation audit
  • Audio and video blending

The e-learning concepts are used for delivering self-paced learning, competency-based training, criterion referenced instruction, computer based training, internet and intranet online.

Check out our Learning Management System, request information by clicking here LMS Info

Development Expertise

Given the instructional purpose of an e-learning project, our expertise includes coaching and guiding nominated corporate managers and subject matter experts. The scope of projects range from the IT industry to manufacturing, processors, and service providers.

An e-learning development project needs to be based upon the principles of instructional design in order to achieve required learning outcomes and return on investment.

Delivery of courses via internet, intranet and computer require measurable performance objectives, realistic and achievable.

We ensure e-learning programs are simple, robust and effective.

Another major factor is that we build in the framework for measuring the outcome of learning from your programs. We also ensure ongoing maintenance is consistent with training and development principles.

A poorly designed and implemented e-learning system is virtually irrepairable, get it right first time.

'If a learner hasn't learned, the system hasn't taught.'

Get more information!

Please contact me about information on e-learning!
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Welcome to the Digital Page Author world! Anyone can create ebooks with Digital Page Author!! The simplest, most intuitive PC software for creating Digital Web Books as process and procedure manuals, user-reference, learning and training. Distribute content by email, floppy, CD-ROM or from a website.

Go to Premier Strategics online store to see the full range of products for:

  • Quality Systems
  • Baldrige Assessment,
  • Technical Writing
  • Digital Page Authoring

 The eLearning Guild is a global community of practice for designers, developers, and managers of e-Learning. Industry professionals find value in their free membership through the Guild's comprehensive resource directory, ongoing industry research, The eLearning Developers' Journal, and focused conferences.

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Premier Strategics
Hamilton, New Zealand