The unit's former commanding officer, Brigadier Bob Gurr [Rtd] OBE, passed away peacefully in Australia on Wednesday 27 January 2010.
Brigadier Gurr was Commanding Officer [CO] of the First Battalion New Zealand Regiment on its posting on 9 Nov 1963, to the 28th Commonwealth Brigade Garrison located at Terendak near Malacca in Malaya. He therefore was CO when the unit became the 1st Battalion Royal New Zealand INfantry Regiment [1 RNZIR] at Terendak on 1 April 1964, when the battalion received its new name. He relinquished that appointment on posting back New Zealand as part of the routine two-yearly roll over on 25 Nov 1965.
With service in World War II, his service number was 800117, Bob was a former Platoon Commander in 36 Battalion, 3 New Zealand Division during 1943. This was followed as a Troop Commander in the Divisonal Cavalry Regiment in Italy 1944-1945. He then served with the British Commonwealth Occupation Force in Japan during 1945-1946.
Bob's military career continued with:
- British Army Staff College at Camberley
- Appointed as Ordinary Member of the Military Division of the Most Excellent Orderof British Empire [MBE] in Queen's Birthday Honours 1956
- Officer Commanding, Tactics School Waiouru 1959-1962
- Directing Staff at Australian Army Staff College, Queenscliff
- Appointed as Ordinary Member of the Military Division of the Most Excellent Order of British Empire [OBE] in Queen's Birthday Honours 1966
- Promotion to Brigadier, 8 February 1971
- Posted to New Zealand Defence Liaison Staff in Canberra 9 March 1973
- Retired on 22 October 1976. Went to BROADLANDS GROUP, then moved to Melbourne, Australia.
The unit's actions on the Malay/Thai border, Malaysian Peninsula against Indonesian regular forces and in Borneo [Sarawak] against Indonesian regular forces are described in the book titled 'Voices from a border war: a history of 1 Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment 1963 to 1965 (Melbourne: R. Gurr, 1995). It is listed on a New Zealand Defence Force website
Bibliography of New Zealand Military History as merely being among 'Other Conflicts'.
During its tour of duty in Malaysia the unit was heavily involved in achieving stability through the co-ordinated countering of external aggressive military forces. This campaign commonly referred to as the Malaysian Confrontation. A request has been submitted to New Zealand Defence Force for a section called Malaysian Confrontation be created and the book
'Voices from a border war' be listed in that section of the
Bibliography of New Zealand Military History
Of those who served with the original 1 RNZIR unit based in Malaysia 1964-65, 288 subsequently served in the South Vietnam war with other units and sub units with 5 being killed in action.
It is perhaps fitting that a limited edition of
'Voices from a border war' is being relaunched as hardback reprint during the forthcoming reunion in Rotorua. The details can be read on this page by
clicking here.
The following are the Reunion details and registration for the 'Original' members of the
1st Battalion, Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment. The reunion is in Rotorua, Friday 12 March to Sunday 14 March 2010.
Former members can register for the Reunion by completing the email fields below, and submitting the information to the organisers.
Paper-based registration can be done by downloading the form from here and then print a copy.

Dress Code Definitions
Reference to dress is based on the occasion and defined by the following codes and minimum standard:
- [Casual] RSA Summer Dress Code.
Shirt with collar, trousers, shoes and socks or;
Shirt with collar, tailored shorts, shoes and long socks or;
Shirt with collar, tailored shorts, jandals or sandals;
NOTE: Trousers may include dress jeans. No track pants. No "T" shirts. No jersey without a shirt with collar. No bike pants. A polo shirt is acceptable.
- [OD] Own Discretion
When not attending a function with defined dress code.
- [ED] Evening Dress
Lounge suits and evening dress.
- [PD] Parade Dress
Jackets, long trousers, shirt, tie, beret and medals

Friday 12 March, 2010
- Location-Rotorua RSA
- 1200 onwards
- Location-Rotorua RSA Club
- 1800-1815 The Ode and welcome
- 1100-2330 Mix and mingle
- 1815-2000 Dinner in RSA Restaurant
- Dress: Casual
13 March, 2010
- Rotorua RSA Club Restaurant
- 0730-0830 Breakfast available,
cost in registration fee
- 0830- Registration, to be completed before Formal Dinner
- 0830-0915 Powhiri, RSA main hall
- 0930-1230 Lakeland Queen, Lake Rotorua
- Dress: OD
- 1230-1545 Optional attractions/visits, Rotorua
- Dress: OD
- 1545-1600 Book reprint launch, RSA main hall
- 1700-1800 Pre-dinner drinks, RSA main hall
- Dress: ED
- 1800-1830 Photo session, Rotorua Convention Centre
- Dress: ED
- 1830-2030 Dinner, Rotorua Convention Centre.
Cost in registration fee
- Dress: ED
- Formalities/Ode, Rotorua Convention Centre
- 2100-0100 Dancing with Harmony Showdown Band
- 0100 Vacate Rotorua Convention Centre
- Location - Rotorua RSA Club
- 1100- RSA Club bar open
Lunch on 'Lakeland Queen', cost in registration fee.
- Dress: OD
Sunday 14 March, 2010

- Location - Rotorua RSA Club
- 0745-0830 Breakfast,
cost in registration fee
- Prepare for Battalion Memorial Parade
- o845 Parade fall in, Ohinemutu
- 0855 Parade march on - Muruika Urupa
- 0910-0945 Church service
- 0945 March off, dismissal
- Dress: PD
- 1115-55 Reunion meeting
- 1200 Lunch and dispersal, cost in registration
- Dress: OD
Accommodation can be an individual concern or, the Reunion organisers can book for you. Click the web page link to download the paper-based accommodation Accommodation Reservation Form  and then print a copy. Book early to avoid disappointment.
Registration fee:
| Member $100.00 per person
| Cheque payable to:
Reunion Acc. |
Snail Mail
Reunion Secretary/Treasurer:
c/- Rotorua RSA (Inc)
PO Box 1037
Landline Phone:
07 348 1055, ext 1.
| Cellphone:
027 322 518
Register with 'Originals' 1 RNZIR Reunion 2010 Organiser
'Voices from a Border War' Book Relaunch
The book 'Voices from a Border War' reprint will be Launched at the Reunion in Rotorua on Saturday 13 March 2010, at 1545 hours [3:45pm] in the Rotorua RSA Clubrooms by Lieutenant General (Rtd) Don McIver CMG OBE.
Written by Robert M Gurr, it was first published as soft copy.
As this is a limited print at $60.00 each, preorders can now be made to reserve a personal copy by going direct to Willson Scott publishers via their website , or by emailing the publisher, or by mailing a cheque to:
Willson Scott Publishing
PO Box 6006
Updated 20 July 2009. Webmaster, Victor R Johnson. Contact Webmaster,